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Nature-based Solutions Working Group



The Nature-based Solutions Working Group (NbSWG) is a permanent working group of the Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PIRT).  Its purpose is:

  1. To stimulate ambitious commitments and action to build coherence in addressing the interlinked global crises of biodiversity loss and climate change through the promotion, mainstreaming and deployment of Nature-based Solutions at scale.

  2. To support PIRT Members in their implementation of the Pacific Islands Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas 2021-2025.

  3. To ensure that work on NbS in the Pacific Islands region is grounded in respect for Indigenous community rights and traditional knowledge and drawn on scientific understanding.

  4. To encourage and support collaboration and coordination across the region on issues pertaining to NbS, and to provide a regional hub for discussion, networking, and the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices.

  5. To catalyse collective action and coordinated approaches on NbS across the region.

Current Work

The Nature-based Solutions Working Group (NbSWG) operates as a dynamic community of practice, dedicated to the exchange of information and increased coordination on NbS activities within the region. Currently co-chaired by IUCN, SPC and SPREP, our primary focus lies in progressing a shared understanding of NbS concepts and related best practices and learnings relevant to Pacific Island contexts.


Each of our quarterly meetings focusses on a specific topic for the group to discuss and unpack, such as the application and adaptation of IUCN NbS Standards in the Pacific or conducting Cost-Benefit Analyses for NbS initiatives. policy briefs and technical exchanges.


Sub-working groups have been established around key areas, including Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL), Ecological Restoration, and Urban Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as targeted platforms to go deeper in key thematic areas identified by the group and foster actionable initiatives.


Key outputs for the group include the development of policy briefs and technical exchanges.


Our overarching objective remains steadfast: to promote and mainstream Nature-based Solutions at scale as key actions to address the intertwined crises of biodiversity loss and climate change, while upholding the principles of Indigenous community rights and traditional knowledge. Together, we aspire to catalyse collective action and pave the way for a harmonious, sustainable future for the Pacific Islands region.


The NbSWG is currently led by three co-Chairs: Ludovic Branlant (SPC), Mathilde Kraft (SPREP), and Vinay Singh (IUCN-ORO).  The Secretary is Tavenisa Luisa (IUCN-ORO).

Joining the Nature-based Solutions Working Group

The NbSWG is currently open to new members.  Please contact Mrs. Tavenisa Luisa (Tavenisa dot Luisa at iucn dot org) for more information about joining the group.


For any enquiries about the NbSWG, please contact our Secretary Mrs. Tavenisa Luisa (Tavenisa dot Luisa at iucn dot org).

The Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PIRT) is supported by the Pacific BioScapes Programme.

The Pacific BioScapes Programme is a European Union (EU) funded action, managed and implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).
The Programme contributes to the sustainable development of Pacific Small Island Developing States through the implementation of 30 focused activities taking place across a diversity of ecosystems in 11 countries (Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu) that will address critical issues concerning coastal and marine biodiversity, and ecosystem-based responses to climate change adaptation.
For more information, please visit:

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© 2023 by Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PIRT)

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