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Pacific Area-based Conservation Network

© Ocean Ventures Fiji


The Pacific Area-based Conservation Network (PACoN), formerly known as the Protected Areas Working Group (PAWG), is the preeminent regional collaboration and learning network on this topic in the Pacific.  Our mandate is to support Pacific Island countries and territories to achieve their protected and conserved area aspirations.


The network has four key objectives.  These are:

  • To encourage and support coordination, collaboration, and communications on protected and conserved area issues across the Pacific Islands region, specifically, the implementation of actions related to protected and conserved areas under the Pacific Islands Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas 2021-2025 and other relevant regional and sub-regional strategies.

  • To provide a regional hub for discussion, networking and exchange of knowledge and experiences; and to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing between PACoN members, other PIRT Working Groups, PIRT Members, and external parties.

  • Provide technical & Advisory Support for countries in the region for achieving Global Biodiversity Framework 2030 targets (CBD).

  • To advocate for effective conservation and management mechanisms for protected areas in the Pacific region.

Current Work

At its meeting  in November last year, the network discussed list of possible activities to undertake in the intersessional period between the annual PIRT meetings.


Proposed Plan

  • PACoN Webinar - The network would still like to plan and conduct an awareness webinar to highlight its work and possible modes of support to countries.

  • Possibly webinars on key topics, discussions and issues related to Protected Arees.


The current PACoN co-Chairs are Paul van Nimwegen (WCS Fiji) and Kasaqa Tora (acting - SPREP).  The PACoN also acknowledges the great contributions made by Vainuupo Jungblut, who until recently represented SPREP as co-Chair of the Network.

Joining the Pacific Area-based Conservation Network

To become a member of the conservation network is voluntary. Call for membership is currently open to interested and committed protected and conserved area experts, who may want  to contribute to the mandate of the PACoN.


For any enquiries about the PACoN, please contact Kasaqa Tora at kasaqat [at] sprep [dot] org.

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