Pacific Conservation Database
Lau Seascape Initiative: Preserving Ocean and Island Biodiversity for Resilient Communities
PIRT Member organisations
Conservation International (CI), University of the South Pacific (USP)
Other partner organisations
Fiji Government
Vanua o Lau
University of the South Pacific
Manta Trust
Coral Reef Alliance Pacific Blue Foundation
Loving Islands
Vatuvara Foundation
Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area Network (FLMMA)
Grace Trifam Ministries
Countries of implementation
The Lau Seascape initiative aims to build a coalition among government, the private sector, civil society and local communities to improve natural resource governance and management in the Province of Lau and its surrounding waters, enhancing protection of key biodiversity values while also supporting sustainable development of local economies. It focuses on both terrestrial and marine resource management and highlights the importance of achieving effective governance across all sectors and at all levels. The initiative aims to advance sustainable co-management of the Lau Seascape by communities and government, delivering a global model for effective protection of nature, culture and sustainable development, and climate change adaptation for Lau’s people delivered through improved market access of natural resources, tourism and sustainable financing in the blue economy.
Framework Action Tracks
01 – Our people at the centre of conservation action, 02 – Behaviour change for nature conservation through heritage and cultural expressions, 03 – Sustainable and resilient ocean economies, 04 – Sustainable and resilient island economies, 05 – Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to sustain our social-ecological systems, 06 – Environmentally and culturally sensitive tourism, 07 – Effective marine protected areas, 08 – Marine ecological integrity, 09 – Effective terrestrial protected areas, 10 – Terrestrial ecological integrity, 11 – Reducing threats to threatened and migratory marine species, 13 – Ending unsustainable fishing, 14 – Ecosystem-based approaches to climate change, pandemic and disaster response, 19 – Science and traditional knowledge for target-setting and monitoring, 20 – Governance that works for nature conservation, 21 – Sustainable financing for nature conservation