Pacific Conservation Database
Manaaki Fund: Strengthening climate resilience of communities and marine ecosystems in Palau through sustainable community-based aquaculture initiatives
PIRT Member organisations
Conservation International (CI)
Other partner organisations
Palau Aquaculture Alliance
Countries of implementation
This initiative aims to: (A) increase stakeholder awareness and knowledge of giant clam farming and market systems to inform livelihoods, food security, conservation management and policy decision making; (B) increase community access to high-quality and diverse giant clam seedlings to support the establishment of climate-sensitive community-based clam farms; and (C) strengthen climate-smart technical skills, networking and business skills of community members, especially women gleaners, to achieve sustainable aquaculture livelihoods, and an improved local network of giant clam farmers.
Framework Action Tracks
01 – Our people at the centre of conservation action, 03 – Sustainable and resilient ocean economies, 05 – Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to sustain our social-ecological systems, 08 – Marine ecological integrity, 13 – Ending unsustainable fishing