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Pacific Conservation Database

Micronesia Coral Reefs Programme

PIRT Member organisations

The Nature Conservancy (TNC)

Other partner organisations

Government of Federated States of Micronesia
Government of Republic of Marshall Islands
Government of Republic of Palau
Micronesia Conservation Trust (MCT)
Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC)
Palau Pacific Areas Network (PAN) Fund
Pacific Island Tuna (PIT)
FSM Development Bank
National Development Bank of Palau
Marshall Islands Development Bank
Pacific Islands Development Bank.

Countries of implementation

Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau


TNC was selected as convening agent for a new regional programme approved in November 2023 by the Global Fund for Coral Reefs, aiming to support the improved management of 1,073,241 hectares of coastal ecosystems, including 175,141 hectares of coral reefs, with 10 million USD in grants over 7 years to leverage an additional $ 26,000,000 USD. The progamme is focusing on innovative blue finance mechanisms to support reef-positive enterprise and financial mechanism development, including ecotourism, sustainable fisheries, waste and water management, and sustainable aquaculture enterprises. It will also leverage new funding sources for conservation, restoration, and sustainable reef use while supporting community resilience through livelihoods, food security, and coastal protection.

Framework Action Tracks

01 – Our people at the centre of conservation action, 04 – Sustainable and resilient island economies, 05 – Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to sustain our social-ecological systems, 06 – Environmentally and culturally sensitive tourism, 13 – Ending unsustainable fishing, 18 – Preventing terrestrial, freshwater and marine pollution (non-plastic)



The Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PIRT) is supported by the Pacific BioScapes Programme.

The Pacific BioScapes Programme is a European Union (EU) funded action, managed and implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).
The Programme contributes to the sustainable development of Pacific Small Island Developing States through the implementation of 30 focused activities taking place across a diversity of ecosystems in 11 countries (Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu) that will address critical issues concerning coastal and marine biodiversity, and ecosystem-based responses to climate change adaptation.
For more information, please visit:

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© 2023 by Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PIRT)

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