Pacific Conservation Database
Provision of scientific analyses, assessments and advice, and data management services, to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) membership
PIRT Member organisations
Pacific Community (SPC)
Other partner organisations
Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)
Countries of implementation
The specific work of SPC-OFP under the agreement with WCFPC as its Scientific and Data Management Services Provider is agreed annually, based on ongoing needs and specific requests from WCPFC meetings. Work includes: the curation and appropriate dissemination of WCPFC data, evaluation of data gaps, support to the regional VMS and observer programmes, provision of specified stock assessments of tuna and tuna-like species, ecosystem analyses, scientific evaluation and advice to support management options and harvest strategy development, as well as assistance to members to enhance participation at Commission meetings.
Framework Action Tracks
13 – Ending unsustainable fishing, 19 – Science and traditional knowledge for target-setting and monitoring