Pacific Conservation Database
Sustainable community conservation in the Arnavon Islands
PIRT Member organisations
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Other partner organisations
Arnavons Community Marine Park (ACMP) Board
KAWAKI women’s group
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade
Countries of implementation
Solomon Islands
TNC is working with partners, including Arnavons Community Marine Park (ACMP) Board and KAWAKI women’s group, to establish ecotourism in the Arnavons and develop the Arnavon Community Education Centre and Eco Lodge. Last year aerial mapping of Kerehikapa Island within ACMP was undertaken and a participatory terrestrial training workshop was undertaken in the Arnavons by KAWAKI and ACMP rangers. Trials of the SMART Mobile App, designed to improve turtle monitoring protocols in preparation for increased visitor numbers, and improve conservation outcomes and conservation awareness took place in 2023.
Framework Action Tracks
01 – Our people at the centre of conservation action, 04 – Sustainable and resilient island economies, 06 – Environmentally and culturally sensitive tourism